Showing posts with label web api. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web api. Show all posts

Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API

Let’s think of a scenario where you are having the fever, you go to a medical shop and ask for medicine but then in return, the medical guy asked which or what type of medicine you need. Ooopz!! Now what? You land up visiting the doctor who understands your needs and writes down the medicine which would work for you. Amazing!! Isn’t it. You got your work done with just a call of service. And that’s what Dependency Injection is.

Token Based Authentication in ASP.NET Web API

ASP.NET Web API is a service which can be accessed over the HTTP by any client. So, providing the security to the Web API is very important, which can be easily done with the process called Token based authentication. Token-based authentication is a process where the user send his credential to the server, server will validate the user details and generate a token which is send as response to the users, and user store the token.

ASP.NET Web API Versioning Strategies

Web API Versioning is required as the business grows and business requirement changes with the time. As Web API can be consumed by multiple clients at a time, Versioning of Web API will be necessarily required so that Business changes in the API will not impact the client that are using/consuming the existing API. Web API Versioning Ways Web API Versioning can be done by using the following methods: URI QueryString parameter Custom.

Securing ASP.NET Web API using basic Authentication

n previous article, I have explained Custom Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET MVC. Now, I am going to show you how to implement basic HTTP authentication for your Web API by extending ASP.NET WEB API's AuthotrizeAttribute. Before implementing basic HTTP authentication, let's understand what is it? Basic HTTP Authentication In basic HTTP authentication the client passes their username and password in the HTTP request header. Typically, using this technique we encrypt user credentials string into base64 encoded.