The best approach is to start using prepared, parameterized queries. They ensure that comparisons are done correctly, and they prevent the possibility of SQL injection attacks.
Your code would be rewritten like this:
string txt = "select count(*) from cont where Data_deschiderii < @compareDate;";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(txt, conn);
Showing posts with label rpa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rpa. Show all posts
Blue Prism Interview Questions With Answers
Blue Prism Interview Questions, Blue Prism Interview Questions With Answers, Blue Prism,What is Blue Prism,What Is Control Room in Blue Prism, What is Object Studio in Blue Prism,What is Process Studio in Blue Prism,What are Different Stages in Blue Prism,What is RPA and Why RPA,What are The Basic Stage is Blue Prism,What is Deference Between Selenium and Blue Prism,Why Blue Prism,Difference between Mainframe and Non-Mainframe Applications,What is Environment variable,What are different spy modes,How.
Frequently asked questions in blue prism
What is Robotic Automation?
Robotic automation refers to a style of automation where a machine, or computer, mimics a human’s action in completing rules based tasks
What does Robotic Automation mean in the context of back office administrative process automation?
In the domain of back office administration, Robotic Automation refers to automation where a computer drives existing enterprise application software in the same way that a user does. This means that unlike traditional application software, Robotic.
Blue Prism Interview Questions
1. What is the difference between thin client and thick client?
Thin client is any application that we cannot get the attribute properties while spying using any RPA tools. For eg , Citrix or any virtual environment.and thick client is any application that we get pretty handful of attribute properties using RPA tools eg calculator, Internet explore.
Robotics Process Automation (RPA) General Interview Questions
Hey Guys, Please find here the some of the RPA General Interview Question:
1. Can you briefly tell me about yourself? (As usual Question )
2. How many years of experience you have in Robotics Process automation?
3. How many project you have worked?
4. What you know about RPA?
5. What type of automation you’re doing.