Showing posts with label iis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iis. Show all posts

Debugging Applications in IIS and Various Authentication Mode

We can easily debug any web application that is hosted on IIS by attaching worker process of that application to Visual Studio as shown below. From Visual Studio IDE > Tools > Attach to Process Select the particular Process, then start debugging. Then click on attach button Now, enjoy debugging with Visual Studio. Different Authentication Mode Available for IIS Remote Debugging There are two authentication.

Understanding Web Garden and Web Farm in IIS

Web Garden By default, each application pool runs with a single worker process (W3Wp.exe). When an application pool runs with multiple worker process, it is called web garden. You can set multiple worker process for an application pool as shown in below steps. Step 1: Step 2: Advantage of Web Garden: A Web garden share the requests which comes for that application pool and if one worker process fails to process.

Internet Information Service Architecture

IIS Architecture IIS has two main layers - Kernel Mode and User Mode. The Kernel Mode contains the HTTP.SYS and User Mode contains WAS and W3 service. The subsection of both are shown in fig. The above diagrams shows the flow of an HTTP request in process. The request-processing flow is described as: An HTTP request first goes to HTTP.sys and now, HTTP.SYS is responsible for passing the request to a particular application.

Application Pool in Internet Information Service (IIS)

Application Pool in IIS An Internet Information Services (IIS) application pool is a set of URLs that is routed to one or more worker processes. Application pools responsible for to isolate one or more applications into their own process. For example you have two different website like website-A and website-B and want to deploy on same server, then application pool isolate your website means website-A run on one application pool.

Understanding Internet Information Service

IIS stands for Internet Information Service. IIS is a web server developed by Microsoft and used to host the Web application. It has its own ASP.NET Process Engine to handle the request. So, when a request comes from client to server, IIS takes that request and process it and send the response back to clients. Web Server Web Server is used for hosting the web application on a centralized location and can be accessed from many.