Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts

Examples Of Boundaries In life

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 Don't Go though my personal belongingsDon't Criticize meDon't Make comments about my weightDon't Take their anger out on meDon't Humiliate me in front of othersDon't Tell off-color jokes in my companyDon't Invade my personal spaceDon't invade my PrivacyDon't A new hairstyle from an old stylistalways go for qualityPeace and quiet while getting a massageHelp around the houseMore information before making a purchaseQuiet time to myselfTurn the ringer off on the phoneTake my time returning calls or e-mailsChange my mindBow.

No More Mr Nice Guy Summary đź“– Robert Glover

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When you were growing up, you received messages from your family and the world around you that it was not safe, acceptable, or desirable for you to be who you were, just as you were.This has resulted in Nice Guys who…Co-create poor relationships with womenTry to hide their flaws and mistakesPut other people’s needs and wants before their ownAnd a whole laundry list of other things:Seek approval of othersSacrifice personal power and play the role of the victimDisassociate themselves from other men and masculine energyCreate.

Persistence for success

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Nothing in this world can take the place of good old persistence. Talent won't. Nothing's more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius won't. Unrecognized genius is practically a cliche. Education won't. Why the world is full of educated fools. Persistence and determination alone are all powerful.”There’s no substitute, there’s no replacement for it.Persistence… To set a goal… to have a dream… and to NOT STOP until you achieve what you want.Persistence is a quality of winners… I believe it’s within all of us and if.

The 48 Laws of Power

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The 48 Laws of Power is the definitive guide to help readers achieve for themselves what Queen Elizabeth I, Henry Kissinger, Louis XIV and Machiavelli learned the hard way. Based on the history of power, Robert Greene offers a guide of how you can effectively lead and utilize power. If you follow these 48 laws, you can harness the knowledge that powerful people of the past learned firsthand through personal mistakes.Law 1: Never Outshine the Master Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to.


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Find Your Inner CallingEach of us has our own unique calling in life. There is a discipline or field perfect for you. If you have a feeling about a specific discipline, then Robert Greene suggests you trust this feeling. Often, people suppress this uniqueness and instead follow the actions of others. However, although there are some advantages to this approach, you will never find your inner calling. Greene highlights that most geniuses and influential individuals from history had a moment of clarity where they suddenly understood.

Ego is the Enemy

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Ego Is Recognition Without WorkRyan Holiday describes the ego as a desire to receive recognition without doing the work required for this recognition. Recognition is generally related to success. However, some people attempt to obtain this recognition before they have achieved success. Ryan Holiday offers an example of an egoist. Ulysses S. Grant is a former US president. Before his presidency, he was a well-known general who had obtained significant success. However, Grant had no experience in the political sphere. Therefore,.