Modern indian women are not marrige material

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nowadays many indian women are simply not suitable for marriage 
the current state of marriage is indeed worrying 
the marriage rate is declining year by year 
while the divorce rate is on the rise 
many people may wonder who is to blame for this 
in my opinion the key 
issue may lie more with women nowadays 
some women's behavior is incomprehensible 
they completely lack the demeanor of traditional ladies 
even their parents can hardly recognize them 
let alone becoming virtuous wives and good mothers as a woman 
i should be speaking from a woman's perspective 
but what i see some women doing is truly unacceptable 
why have they become like this 
is it because society has developed too fast 
or is it because the gender ratio in China 
is imbalanced leading to the only child 
being spoiled and pampered 
since childhood 
causing them to act 
recklessly their arrogance has become their capital 
or is it that 
these women's minds have already been corroded by ugly ideas 
it is really something that one finds hard to accept 
and understand in the past 
men guarded the nation 
while women safeguarded the bloodline 
but now some women only care about money and material things 
completely lacking the sense of family 
heritage are such people really suitable for marriage 
one can't help 
but wonder firstly 
some women have no education 

no job 
and look quite ordinary yet they think highly of themselves 
and make a bunch of demands on men 
such as a high bride price buying a house 
buying a car etcetera these demands can be somewhat understood 
but the most outrageous part is that they refuse to do laundry 
cook do housework 
have children or take care of their elderly parents and husbands 
they rely on others to serve them in 
everything they don't want to do anything themselves 
yet they expect others to serve them 
always putting on the heirs of a young lady 
they think about how much pocket money 
their man gives them every day 
if the man gives them less money 
they scold him for being incompetent 
this makes many men feel 
as if they have married an ancestor into their home secondly 
many women are brainwashed by feel good platitudes for example 
they think they should never compromise 
and that women can live well without men 
they believe women are not men's reproductive tools 
and that to have children for a man 
he must be someone who understands and loves them otherwise 
all their suffering is in vain all kinds of superficial self 
help mottos flood their minds plus 
under the influence of various idle dramas 
they daydream all the time 
they fantasize that their future husband 
must be a tall rich and handsome guy 
and that after marriage 
he would be responsible for making money 
while they just need to stay beautiful however 
where in reality are there so many tall rich and handsome men 
the marriages of ordinary people will inevitably differ 
significantly from their fantasies 
as a result 
many women are full of dissatisfaction with their partners 
even though they 
themselves earn only a few thousand yuan a month 
they despise men who earn ten or twenty thousand yuan 
for not meeting their expectations 
and lowering their quality of life 
thirdly many leftover 
women in China 
who are over thirty years old 
clearly had many opportunities to get married 
but they always think that they have some beauty 
a high education and a good job 
they feel that 
ordinary men do not meet their standards 
at all only a tall rich and handsome man 
is their mister right 
after all a man simply cannot fall below their standards 
but in reality 
tall rich and handsome men often prefer young gentle girls 
so why would they choose a woman in her thirties 
fourthly some women have a low salary 
only about three thousand yuan a month 
but they have huge expenditures 
a monthly expense of ten 
thousand yuan is their minimum requirement 
this is because they are accustomed to 
relying on others to provide them 
with what they want 
this lifestyle and consumption concept 
make people feel like they are living the life of a rich lady 
but in reality 
their economic capability does not match up fifthly career women 
although they have achieved success in their work 
also have higher requirements for their partner 
they want to find a man 
who is both wealthy and more successful 
and can earn more than they 
do they believe only such a man is worthy of them 
but in reality 
many successful men often prefer young gentle 
and easygoing women 
rather than a condescending strong woman 
so these behaviors and concepts of certain 
Indian women today indeed 
make them fundamentally unsuitable for marriage 
nowadays many people 
choose to stay single and no longer yearn 
for romantic relationships or marriage 
i think i might be a representative of this 
type of woman born in 1998 
i will be thirty in a few years 
i come from an ordinary family work 
a regular job 
earn a modest 
salary and my education is not outstanding the only things 
i might be able to flaunt 
are probably my looks and height in front of people 
i like i often feel inferior 
everyone says that women 
today are very realistic demanding that men have a house 
a car and savings 
but men also have their own requirements 
they consider a partner's family background 
assess how much the woman can contribute to their future 
and approach with a purpose 
weighing the pros and cons before deciding to leave 
i have also been in a few relationships 
but none ended successfully 
i've seen many couples and married people around me some love 
each other for life 
while others eventually 
part ways rather than experiencing this 
i'd prefer to stay single 
i tend to be a bit of a perfectionist 
if a relationship can not end well 
i'd rather not start it at all i currently live with a roommate 
in a rented apartment 
leading a simple life 
without the trivialities of marriage 
and without a mortgage or car loan my life is free and joyful 
all my time belongs to me 
when i see my friends getting married and having children 
i sometimes feel envious 
but i also occasionally feel relieved 
many people think women like us are selfish and cold 
only concerned with our own feelings 
but i believe that compared to an unhappy marriage 
isn't a solitary single life also beneficial 
why are so many women resisting marriage now 
it's not just a gender issue 
but a predicament 
i really don't want to attend weddings 
they make me feel very uneasy 
for example when the groom's father hands 
the bride's hand to the groom 
this process looks like a secondary transfer of maritalrights 
when the bride price is agreed upon 
it feels like a transaction money exchanged for the goods 
what's even more 
infuriating is that many men in india 
cunningly use the guise of love to emotionally blackmail 
you demanding your sacrifice without any reciprocation 
if you become pregnant 
it's like receiving a non returnable package 
you have to face all the consequences 
so why is marriage seen as the greatest scam in a woman's life 
when a man complains that you're too rational 
the underlying message is that you're hard to deceive or placate 
women no longer accept the injustices 
they once tolerated now 
that women have opened their eyes to the world 
we realize that the men before 
us are not all 
that impressive men will bow and scrape in front of clients 
but act tough in front of women 
their external dignity can only be compensated through you 
and the children although 
surrogacy is wrong the market 
price for it is around one million yuan 
yet many men struggle to offer three hundred thousand yuan 
in bride price for marriage 
which is necessary to support a family 
the in laws and husbands might 
even feel that they are at a loss 
when you sacrifice your career and social life 
to become a full time housewife 
the man's past promise of i will support you turns into i 
support you after much contemplation 
i finally realize that the best way to break 
this situation is to not participate in it at all 
China's marriage rate is gradually declining 
while the divorce rate is rising 
this reflects 
Indian women's dissatisfaction with the traditional marriage 
model women are not unwilling to marry rather 
they resist the traditional form of marriage 
this resistance is actually 
a rebellion against the various injustices 
present in traditional marriages for a long time 
men have often focused only on visible costs 
such as purchasing cars and houses 
while neglecting the hidden costs 
borne by women 
after marriage in first tier and second tier cities 
the monthly salary for a living nanny is around and the monthly salary for a maternity nurse 
these costs do not include the high expenses 
incurred during childbirth however 
women in the family 
are often expected to undertake these duties as a matter 
of course even being viewed as obligatory labor therefore i 
believe that Chinese women are currently not rejecting marriage 
and childbirth 
but rather resisting the injustices 
within the traditional marriage model to change this situation 
men must completely reexamine their understanding of marriage 
they need to recognize that marriage is not just a legal union 
it requires management 
emotional commitment 
and shared responsibility for household chores and childcare 
managing a family requires 
wisdom and a sense of responsibility 
if men cannot make these changes 
the number of men living alone in old age 
will continue to increase 
if women choose not to marry 
but still want children 
they can opt for non marital childbirth however 
men cannot bear children therefore 
i believe that 
a man's inability to give birth is a physiological defect 
many women are unwilling to get married truly outstanding 
men also don't want to get married 
after all the cost of marriage for men is right there 
they need to prepare a house a car 
and also pay the maintance price even if we don't mention too much 
right women worry that after getting married 
and having children 
their husbands won't care about them 
while men are concerned that after giving the bride price 
they will be deceived by the woman now 
good men can't meet good women 
and good women can't meet good men 
men are afraid of meeting gold diggers 
while women are afraid of encountering 
scumbags the trust in the entire society 
has almost vanished between people there is nothing 
but calculation the marriage hasn't even happened yet 
and during the dating phase 
people are already calculating fearing 
that they will suffer losses 
this is premarital 
that is also premarital 
this property is mine that property is also mine 
everything must be clearly divided 
why is there no happiness in marriage nowadays 
it's because both 
parties aren't thinking about how to live a good life together 
but rather worrying about their own property 
being occupied by the other now men provide property 
while women give their bodies 
why can't low income men find wives 
because their income does not match the sacrifices 
women make in having children after all 
women stay at home to take care of the child after giving birth 
which means no income and life becomes difficult to maintain 
they all want to find men with good conditions and high income 
which is understandable as a result 
it becomes even harder for low income men to find partners 
nowadays no one wants to find someone who holds them back 
everyone wants to rely on the other to live a better life 
both men and women want to find someone better than themselves 
after all who doesn't want to live better therefore 
it is now difficult for many Chinese men 
and women to step into marriage 
the reason 
i finally figured out why the marriage rate is so low nowadays 
is mainly because most people who don't want to 
get married are women 
look at my parents generation 
my dad was responsible for earning money to support the family 
while my mom took care of me 
and managed the household their generation 
followed a division of labor between men and women however 
in our generation 
women not only have to take care of the family 
children and inlaws 
but also need to have a job to achieve economic independence 
if they ask for just a little bit more 
they will be criticized as being greedy 
isn't societies demand on women too harsh nowadays secondly 
many of the women around me 
had a pretty high quality of life before marriage 
but after marriage 
their quality of life didn't improve instead 
they took on more responsibilities 
like caring for their partner both sets of parents and children 
they must give their best effort in every aspect 
and if anything goes wrong 
they face complaints to put it bluntly 
which woman with the ability to be self sufficient 
would easily choose to get married 
thirdly just take a look at those divorced female 
after their divorce 
none of them seem willing to remarry before marriage 
they thought living alone was tough 
but after marriage 
they realized 
it's not just tough 
it's a form of suffering 
if all you want is love and companionship dating is enough 
why do you have to get married in the past 
people said that women valued cars and houses 
calling them materialistic 
but now women don't want 
anything so naturally 
they don't need a husband anymore 
i really don't understand why i have to get married 
once i get married 
i'll immediately become poor regarding marriage 
i'm pretty much the same as most people born in the nineties 
i don't want to get married 
don't want to bear the burden of life 
and don't want to buy a house or a car right now 
i just want to live 
a simple and free life 
if i have hundreds of thousands of you on to live on my own 
i think that would be enough to make me happy so why get married 
sure finding someone could reduce loneliness 
and allow us to strive together 
but if i can't find a girlfriend 
who can actually improve my life 
what's the point of getting married 
i feel that many women nowadays are not suitable for marriage 
look if i earn twenty thousand rupees a month 
and she only earns two thousand yuan 
then i have to take care of her plus 
most women nowadays don't know how to do housework 
i will have to take on the responsibility of doing housework 
i also have to support her always be mindful of her feelings 
nowadays marriage often starts not with love 
but with various material conditions 
i believe there are indeed 
some girls who choose to be with you for love 
even without a house 
but their families definitely won't agree so now 
when looking for a partner 
if its not goal oriented from the beginning 
then no matter how well you get along initially 
or how deep the feelings are you might still end up 
not being together in the end 
in the future 
if there are many leftover women 
who find it difficult to find a partner 
the reason often lies in their own behavior 
i now finally understand why 
when it comes to discussing marriage 
and finding a partner 
there is always a sense of rejection between men 
and women in China 
with neither side finding the other attractive 
i have summarized the current situation of some women in China 
have you noticed that some 
women whose family conditions are average 
and whose jobs are not outstanding 
merely able to make ends meet often harbor fantastical dreams 
filled with ideals and romance 
while being quite confident 
so what is there for others to like about you 
is it that you don't do housework 
or is it your monthly salary of 3 
500 yuan some of you sisters 
please stop being obsessed with idle dramas 
the plot of a domineering 
president falling in love 
with a sweet innocent girl 
is something that will never happen in real life 
we all want to find a partner with good conditions 
which is not wrong in itself 
but we also need to reflect on improving ourselves first 
after all marriage is essentially a value exchange 
whether it is economic value 
emotional value 
or other outstanding qualities 
you possess it is what makes the other party 
think you are worth it 
if we can lower some of our requirements for a partner 
we would find that there are actually 
many excellent men around us 
as for those men who truly earn seven figures a year 
they are mostly older men and most of them already have wives 
these wives have been with the older men 
since their youth supporting them 
through entrepreneurship and hard work in marriage 
really aren't many opportunities to gain something for nothing 
do you agree 
with my point of view feel free to leave your comments 
i would love to hear your thoughts if you 
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