we will discuss about Lead and Lag functions.
Lead and Lag functions
- Introduced in SQL Server 2012
- Lead function is used to access subsequent row data along with current row data
- Lag function is used to access previous row data along with current row data
- ORDER BY clause is required
- PARTITION BY clause is optional
LEAD(Column_Name, Offset, Default_Value) OVER (ORDER BY Col1, Col2, ...)
LAG(Column_Name, Offset, Default_Value) OVER (ORDER BY Col1, Col2, ...)- Offset - Number of rows to lead or lag.
- Default_Value - The default value to return if the number of rows to lead or lag goes beyond first row or last row in a table or partition. If default value is not specified NULL is returned.
SQL Script to create the Employees table
Create Table Employees
Id int primary key,
Name nvarchar(50),
Gender nvarchar(10),
Salary int
Insert Into Employees Values (1, 'Mark', 'Male', 1000)
Insert Into Employees Values (2, 'John', 'Male', 2000)
Insert Into Employees Values (3, 'Pam', 'Female', 3000)
Insert Into Employees Values (4, 'Sara', 'Female', 4000)
Insert Into Employees Values (5, 'Todd', 'Male', 5000)
Insert Into Employees Values (6, 'Mary', 'Female', 6000)
Insert Into Employees Values (7, 'Ben', 'Male', 7000)
Insert Into Employees Values (8, 'Jodi', 'Female', 8000)
Insert Into Employees Values (9, 'Tom', 'Male', 9000)
Insert Into Employees Values (10, 'Ron', 'Male', 9500)
GoLead and Lag functions example WITHOUT partitions : This example Leads 2 rows and Lags 1 row from the current row.
- When you are on the first row, LEAD(Salary, 2, -1) allows you to move forward 2 rows and retrieve the salary from the 3rd row.
- When you are on the first row, LAG(Salary, 1, -1) allows us to move backward 1 row. Since there no rows beyond row 1, Lag function in this case returns the default value -1.
- When you are on the last row, LEAD(Salary, 2, -1) allows you to move forward 2 rows. Since there no rows beyond the last row 1, Lead function in this case returns the default value -1.
- When you are on the last row, LAG(Salary, 1, -1) allows us to move backward 1 row and retrieve the salary from the previous row.
LEAD(Salary, 2, -1) OVER (ORDER BY Salary) AS Lead_2,
LAG(Salary, 1, -1) OVER (ORDER BY Salary) AS Lag_1
FROM Employees
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