ASP.NET Web API token authentication

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we will discuss step by step, how to implement token based authentication in ASP.NET Web API using OWIN middleware and Identity framework.

We will be using the following Employees table for this demo.
ASP.NET Web API token authentication

Only authenticated users should be able to access the above Employee data. In addition new users should be able to register. The new user registration form looks as shown below.
token based authentication web api c#

Once a new user is registered with our application, he should be able to login into our system, using the login form shown below.
asp.net web api 2 bearer token

If the user is successfully authenticated, then he will be redirected to the Data.html page, which displays the employee data from the Employees table as shown below. When the "Log Off" button is clicked, the user is logged out and redirected to the login page.
asp.net web api authentication token example

In addition to OWIN middleware and ASP.NET Identity, we will use the following technologies. Click on the links if you are new to any of these technologies
Steps to build the ASP.NET Web API service to retrieve data from SQL Server

Step 1 : Run Visual Studio and Select File - New Project

Step 2 : In the "New Project" dialog box, select "Web" under "Installed" templates. From the middle pane, select "ASP.NET Web Application". Name the project "EmployeeService" and click "OK"
visual studio create web api project

Step 3 : On the next screen select "Web API" and set Authentication to "Individual User Accounts" and click "OK". The Individual User Accounts option uses a membership database in which the users that we register will be stored. We will discuss the Membership Database in a later video in this series.
web api individual user accounts

Step 4 : Execute the following script in SQL Server Management Studio to create the Employees table and populate it with test data

Create Database EmployeeDB

Use EmployeeDB

Create table Employees
     ID int primary key identity,
     FirstName nvarchar(50),
     LastName nvarchar(50),
     Gender nvarchar(50),
     Salary int

Insert into Employees values ('Mark', 'Hastings', 'Male', 60000)
Insert into Employees values ('Steve', 'Pound', 'Male', 45000)
Insert into Employees values ('Ben', 'Hoskins', 'Male', 70000)
Insert into Employees values ('Philip', 'Hastings', 'Male', 45000)
Insert into Employees values ('Mary', 'Lambeth', 'Female', 30000)
Insert into Employees values ('Valarie', 'Vikings', 'Female', 35000)
Insert into Employees values ('John', 'Stanmore', 'Male', 80000)

Step 5 : Right click on "EmployeeService" project and select Add - New Item

Step 6 :  In the "Add New Item" window, 
  • Select "Data" from the left pane
  • Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model from the middle pane
  • In the Name text box, type EmployeeDataModel and click Add
using entity framework with web api

Step 7 : On the Entity Data Model Wizard, select "EF Designer from database" option and click next
asp.net web api entity framework database first

Step 8 : On the next screen, click "New Connection" button

Step 9 : On "Connection Properties" window, set
    Server Name = (local)
    Authentication = Windows Authentication
    Select or enter a database name = EmployeeDB
    Click OK and then click Next

Step 10 : On the nex screen, select "Employees" table and click Finish.
web api and entity framework 6

Step 11 : Right click on the Controllers folder in EmployeeService project and select Add - Controller

Step 12 : Select "Web API 2 Controller - Empty" and click "Add"

Step 13 : On the next screen set the Controller Name = EmployeesController and click Add

Step 14 : Copy and paste the following code in EmployeesController.cs
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Http;

namespace EmployeeService.Controllers
    public class EmployeesController : ApiController
        public IEnumerable<Employee> Get()
            using(EmployeeDBEntities entities = new EmployeeDBEntities())
                return entities.Employees.ToList();

At this point when you navigate to /api/employees you should see all employees.

Step 15 : Decorate the EmployeesController with [Authorize] attribute. 

public class EmployeesController : ApiController

Step 16 : Build the solution and when you navigate to /api/employees we get "Authorization has been denied for this request"

Since the EmployeesController is decorated with [Authorize] attribute, all the actions in the controller must be authenticated. Otherwise, we get 401 error - Authorization has been denied for this request.


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