Triggers make use of 2 special tables, INSERTED and DELETED. The inserted table contains the updated data and the deleted table contains the old data. The After trigger for UPDATE event, makes use of both inserted and deleted tables.
Create AFTER UPDATE trigger script:
Create trigger tr_tblEmployee_ForUpdate
on tblEmployee
for Update
Select * from deleted
Select * from inserted
Now, execute this query:
Update tblEmployee set Name = 'Tods', Salary = 2000,
Gender = 'Female' where Id = 4
Immediately after the UPDATE statement execution, the AFTER UPDATE trigger gets fired, and you should see the contenets of INSERTED and DELETED tables.
The following AFTER UPDATE trigger, audits employee information upon UPDATE, and stores the audit data in tblEmployeeAudit table.
Alter trigger tr_tblEmployee_ForUpdate
on tblEmployee
for Update
-- Declare variables to hold old and updated data
Declare @Id int
Declare @OldName nvarchar(20), @NewName nvarchar(20)
Declare @OldSalary int, @NewSalary int
Declare @OldGender nvarchar(20), @NewGender nvarchar(20)
Declare @OldDeptId int, @NewDeptId int
-- Variable to build the audit string
Declare @AuditString nvarchar(1000)
-- Load the updated records into temporary table
Select *
into #TempTable
from inserted
-- Loop thru the records in temp table
While(Exists(Select Id from #TempTable))
--Initialize the audit string to empty string
Set @AuditString = ''
-- Select first row data from temp table
Select Top 1 @Id = Id, @NewName = Name,
@NewGender = Gender, @NewSalary = Salary,
@NewDeptId = DepartmentId
from #TempTable
-- Select the corresponding row from deleted table
Select @OldName = Name, @OldGender = Gender,
@OldSalary = Salary, @OldDeptId = DepartmentId
from deleted where Id = @Id
-- Build the audit string dynamically
Set @AuditString = 'Employee with Id = ' + Cast(@Id as nvarchar(4)) + ' changed'
if(@OldName <> @NewName)
Set @AuditString = @AuditString + ' NAME from ' + @OldName + ' to ' + @NewName
if(@OldGender <> @NewGender)
Set @AuditString = @AuditString + ' GENDER from ' + @OldGender + ' to ' + @NewGender
if(@OldSalary <> @NewSalary)
Set @AuditString = @AuditString + ' SALARY from ' + Cast(@OldSalary as nvarchar(10))+ ' to ' + Cast(@NewSalary as nvarchar(10))
if(@OldDeptId <> @NewDeptId)
Set @AuditString = @AuditString + ' DepartmentId from ' + Cast(@OldDeptId as nvarchar(10))+ ' to ' + Cast(@NewDeptId as nvarchar(10))
insert into tblEmployeeAudit values(@AuditString)
-- Delete the row from temp table, so we can move to the next row
Delete from #TempTable where Id = @Id
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