TSLint in Visual Studio Code

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At the moment, our editor Visual Studio Code does not show linting errors. It would be nice if Visual Studio Code can display these linting errors so we can fix them as we are writing code. To achieve this install Visual Studio Code extension - TSLint.

To install this extension
  1. Click on the "View" menu in "Visual Studio Code" and select "Extensions" from the context menu
  2. In the "Search Extensions in Marketplace" textbox type TSLint install tslint in visual studio code
  3. Click the "install" button
  4. Once installed, restart Visual Studio Code to activate TSLint
At this point, in Visual Studio Code we will be able to see linting errors and we have the opportunity to fix them as we are developing our application.
visual studio code lint plugin

Once you click on the line where you see a linting error, a light bulb appears on the left margin and when you click on the light bulb you will see 1 to 3 options
visual studio code typescript lint

You can click on the respective options
  1. To have the linting errors fixed automatically depending on whether the issue supports automatic fix or not
  2. To disable that specific rule
  3. To get documentation of the rule
To disable linting in VS code
  1. Click on the "View" menu in "Visual Studi Code" and select "Extensions" from the context menu
  2. In the "EXTENSIONS" window, expand "INSTALLED" section
  3. Click the "SETTINGS" icon against TSLint extension
  4. Select "Disable (Always)" option disable vs code linting
  5. Restart Visual Studio Code


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