Node.js Global Objects

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Node.js global objects are global in nature and available in all modules. You don't need to include these objects in your application; rather they can be used directly. These objects are modules, functions, strings and object etc. Some of these objects aren't actually in the global scope but in the module scope.
A list of Node.js global objects are given below:
  • __dirname
  • __filename
  • Console
  • Process
  • Buffer
  • setImmediate(callback[, arg][, ...])
  • setInterval(callback, delay[, arg][, ...])
  • setTimeout(callback, delay[, arg][, ...])
  • clearImmediate(immediateObject)
  • clearInterval(intervalObject)
  • clearTimeout(timeoutObject)

Node.js __dirname

It is a string. It specifies the name of the directory that currently contains the code.
File: global-example1.js
  1. console.log(__dirname);   
Open Node.js command prompt and run the following code:
  1. node global-example1.js   
Node.js dirname example 1

Node.js __filename

It specifies the filename of the code being executed. This is the resolved absolute path of this code file. The value inside a module is the path to that module file.
File: global-example2.js
  1. console.log(__filename);   
Open Node.js command prompt and run the following code:
  1. node global-example2.js   
Node.js filename example 2


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