Bootstrap blockquotes and lists

In this we will discuss working with blockquotes and lists. 
Bootstrap tutorial for beginners

Blockquotes are useful for quoting blocks of content from another source within your web page
1. <blockquote> element can be used with any HTML that you want as the quote. For simple text quotes bootstrap recomends using a <p> element.
2. For identifying the source of the quote, use the <footer> element. Wrap the name of the source work using <cite> element. On hover the title attribute value will be displayed as a tooltip.
3. To right-align the blockquote content, use .blockquote-reverse class on the <blockquote> element 

Blockquotes example : 

<blockquote class="blockquote-reverse">
    <p>By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail</p>
        This famous quote is by
        <cite title="Benjamin Franklin">
            Benjamin Franklin

Output :  
bootstrap blockquote example 

Bootstrap List tags and classes 
bootstrap definition list horizontal

Bootstrap Ordered List : For an Ordered List use the <ol> element


Output : 
bootstrap ordered list 

Bootstrap Unordered List : For an Unordered List use the <ul> element


Output :  
bootstrap unordered list 

To place all list items of ordered or unordered list on a single line use the .list-inlineclass

<ul class="list-inline">

Output :  
bootstrap list items inline 

To remove the default list-style of ordered and unordered lists use the .list-unstyledclass

<ul class="list-unstyled">
        <ul class="list-unstyled">
            <li>Andhra Pradesh</li>
            <li>Tamil Nadu</li>

Output :  
bootstrap list remove bullets 

For creating a list of terms with their associated descriptions use <dl> <dt> and <dd> tags

    <dd>Framework for developing web applications</dd>

    <dd>JavaScript library that works across a multitude of browsers</dd>

    <dd>The standard language for relational database management systems</dd>

Output :  
bootstrap description list 

To make terms and descriptions in <dl> line up side-by-side use .dl-horizontal class

<dl class="dl-horizontal">
    <dd>Framework for developing web applications</dd>

    <dd>JavaScript library that works across a multitude of browsers</dd>

    <dd>The standard language for relational database management systems</dd>

Output :  
bootstrap dl horizontal