jQuery HTML Methods with Examples

jQuery HTML Methods allow you to manipulate the DOM in some specific syntax rules. jQuery HTML Methods can be used for changing attributes of an element, set an elements style properties, inserting, copying, removing, and so on. Following are jQuery HTML methods
jQuery MethodDescription
after()Insert content after selected elements
append()Inserts content to the end of selected elements
attr()Sets attribute values or returns the attribute value of selected elements
before()Insert content before selected elements
clone()Clone (copy) the selected elements
detach()Remove the selected elements
empty()Remove all child nodes and content of the selected elements
html()Sets or returns html contents (innerHTML) of the selected elements
insertAfter()Inserts HTML elements after the selected elements
insertBefore()Inserts HTML elements before the selected elements
prepend()Inserts content to the beginning of selected elements
prependTo()Inserts HTML elements to the beginning of selected elements
prop()Set or returns the CSS properties for the selected elements
remove()Remove the selected elements
removeAttr()Remove one or more attributes from selected elements
removeProp()Remove a property from selected elements
replaceAll()Replaces all selected elements with the new HTML elements
replaceWith()Replaces selected elements with the new content
text()Sets or returns the text content of selected elements
unwrap()Remove the parent element from selected elements
val()Sets or returns the current value of the selected form elements
wrap()Wrap an HTML structure around each selected elements
wrapAll()Wrap an HTML structure around all selected elements
wrapInner()Wrap an HTML structure around the content of each selected elements