HTML Tags with Description

NEW - New tag introduce in HTML5

REMOVE - Not Support in HTML5
NEW/REMOVE - New Tag introduce in HTML5, But now yet support in HTML5
TagDescriptionIn HTML5?
<!--...-->Describe a comment text in the source code
<!doctype>Defines a document type
<a>Specific a anchor (Hyperlink)
Use for link in internal/external web documents.
<abbr>Describes an abbreviation (acronyms)
<acronym>Describes an acronymsREMOVE
<address>Describes an address information
<applet>Embedding an applet in HTML documentREMOVE
<area>Defines an area in an image map
<article>Defines an articleNEW
<aside>Describes contain set(or write) on aside place in page containNEW
<audio>Specific audio contentNEW
<b>Specific text weight bold
<base>Define a base URL for all the links with in a web page
<basefont>Describes a default font color, size, face in a documentREMOVE
<bb>Define browser command, that command invoke as per client actionNEWREMOVE
<bdo>Specific direction of text display
<big>Defines a big textREMOVE
<blockquote>Specifies a long quotation
<body>Defines a main section(body) part in HTML document
<br />Specific a single line break
<button>Specifies a press/push button
<canvas>Specifies the display graphics on HTML web docummentNEW
<caption>Define a table caption
<center>Specifies a text is display in center alignREMOVE
<cite>Specifies a text citation
<code>Specifies computer code text
<col>Specifies a each column within a <colgroup> element in table
<colgroup>Defines a group of one or more columns inside table
<command>Define a command button, invoke as per user actionNEW
<datagrid>Define a represent data in datagrid either list wise or tree wiseNEWREMOVE
<datalist>Define a list of pre-defined options surrounding <input> tagNEW
<dd>Defines a definition description in a definition list
<del>Specific text deleted in web document
<details>Define a additional details hide or show as per user actionNEW
<dfn>Define a definition team
<dialog>Define a chat conversation between one or more personNEWREMOVE
<dir>Define a directory listREMOVE
<div>Define a division part
<dl>Define a definition list
<dt>Define a definition team
<em>Define a text is emphasize format
<embed>Define a embedding external application using a relative plug-inNEW
<eventsource>Defines a source of event generates to remote serverNEWREMOVE
<fieldset>Defines a grouping of related form elements
<figcaption>Represents a caption text corresponding with a figure elementNEW
<figure>Represents self-contained content corresponding with a <figcaption> elementNEW
<font>Defines a font size, font face and font color for its textREMOVE
<footer>Defines a footer section containing details about the author, copyright, contact us, sitemap, or links to related documents.NEW
<form>Defines a form section that having interactive input controls to submit form information to a server.
<frame>Defines frame window.REMOVE
<frameset>Used to holds one or more <frame> elements.REMOVE
<h1> to <h6>Defines a Headings level from 1 to 6 different sizes.
<head>Defines header section of HTML document.
<header>Defines as a container that hold introductory content or navigation links.NEW
<hgroup>Defines the heading of a section that hold the h1 to h6 tags.NEWREMOVE
<hr />Represent a thematic break between paragraph-level tags. It is typically draw horizontal line.
<html>Define a document is a HTML markup language
<i>Defines a italic format text
<iframe>Defines a inline frame that embedded external content into current web document.
<img>Used to insert image into a web document.
<input>Define a get information in selected input
<ins>Used to indicate text that is inserted into a page and indicates changes to a document.
<isindex>Used to create a single line search prompt for querying the contents of the document.REMOVE
<kbd>Used to identify text that are represents keyboard input.
<keygen>Used to generate signed certificate, which is used to authenticate to services.NEWREMOVE
<label>Used to caption a text label with a form <input> element.
<legend>Used to add a caption (title) to a group of related form elements that are grouped together into the <fieldset> tag.
<li>Define a list item either ordered list or unordered list.
<link>Used to load an external stylesheets into HTML document.
<map>Defines an clickable image map.
<mark>Used to highlighted (marked) specific text.NEW
<menu>Used to display a unordered list of items/menu of commands.
<meta>Used to provide structured metadata about a web page.
<meter>Used to measure data within a given range.NEW
<nav>Used to defines group of navigation links.NEW
<noframes>Used to provide a fallback content to the browser that does not support the <frame> element.REMOVE
<noscript>Used to provide an fall-back content to the browser that does not support the JavaScript.
<object>Used to embedded objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, and Flash animations.
<ol>Defines an ordered list of items.
<optgroup>Used to create a grouping of options, the related options are grouped under specific headings.
<option>Represents option items within a <select><optgroup> or <datalist>element.
<output>Used for representing the result of a calculation.NEW
<p>Used to represents a paragraph text.
<param>Provides parameters for embedded object element.
<pre>Used to represents preformatted text.
<progress>Represents the progress of a task.NEW
<q>Represents the short quotation.
<rp>Used to provide parentheses around fall-back content to the browser that does not support the ruby annotations.NEW
<rt>Specifies the ruby text of ruby annotation.NEW
<ruby>Used to represents a ruby annotation.NEW
<s>Text display in strikethrough style.
<samp>Represents text that should be interpreted as sample output from a computer program.
<script>Defines client-side JavaScript.
<section>Used to divide a document into number of different generic section.NEW
<select>Used to create a drop-down list.
<small>Used to makes the text one size smaller.
<source>Used to specifies multiple media resources.NEW
<span>Used to grouping and applying styles to inline elements.
<strike>Represents strikethrough text.REMOVE
<strong>Represents strong emphasis greater important text.
<style>Used to add CSS style to an HTML document.
<sub>Represents inline subscript text.
<sup>Represents inline superscript text.
<table>Used to defines a table in an HTML document.
<tbody>Used for grouping table rows.
<td>Used for creates standard data cell in HTML table.
<textarea>Create multi-line text input.
<tfoot>Used to adding a footer to a table that containing summary of the table data.
<th>Used for creates header of a group of cell in HTML table.
<thead>Used to adding a header to a table that containing header information of the table.
<time>Represents the date and/or time in an HTML document.NEW
<title>Represents title to an HTML document.
<tr>Defines a row of cells in a table.
<track>Represents text tracks for both the <audio> and <video> tags.NEW
<tt>Represents teletype text.REMOVE
<u>Represents underlined text.
<ul>Defines an unordered list of items.
<var>Represents a variable in a computer program or mathematical equation.
<video>Used to embed video content.NEW
<wbr>Defines a word break opportunity in a long string of text.NEW