Why are you looking for a change

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When answering this question please make sure not to talk anything bad about your current organisation, Manager or your peer. What ever may be the reason why you left your present job, don't speak badly about your previous employer. The interviewer may think, you will talk bad about his company next time you're looking for another job. 

The following are some of the reasons you shouldn't be giving for quitting your current job: 
1. They didn't pay you enough. 

2. Odd shift timings. 

3. You did not like the management. 

4. This new job offer pays much more than what you are getting now. 

5. You are fired for poor performance or bad code of conduct. 

Answers that could get interviewer the attention: 
1. My organisation is very small and I have already spent 3 years and as there is no scope for growth with my current employer and I'm ready to move on to a new challenge. 

2. I'm looking for a bigger challenge and to grow my career and I couldn't job hunt part time while working. It didn't seem ethical to use my former employer's time. 

3. I am relocating to this area due to family circumstances and left my previous position in order to make the move. 

4. I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my technical skills and experience in a different capacity than I have in the past. 

5. I was looking for a position like this which is an excellent match for my skills and experience and I am not able to fully utilize them in my present job as there is very limited scope for growth. 

Other ways of asking the same question: 
1. Why are you leaving your job? 

2. Why did you leave your job? 

3. What made you leave your current job?


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