Reverse each word in a string using c#

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In this we will discuss how to reverse each word in a string using c#. This is a common c# interview question. 

Reverse the following string
one two three four five 

Output should be
eno owt eerht ruof evif 

Here is the C# code that can do this
string inputString = "one two three four five";
string resultString = string.Join(" ", inputString
    .Split(' ')
    .Select(x => new String(x.Reverse().ToArray())));

Make sure you have the following using declarations
using System;
using System.Linq; 

Here is what is happening with the above code
  • Split the input string using a single space as the separator. Split() method returns a string array that contains each word of the input string.
  • Select method, constructs a new string array, by reversing each character in each word.
  • Join method converts the string array into a string.


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